Friday, March 30, 2018

Know you medicine

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I took the step to see what would happen if I decided to stop taking my medication for a couple of days. This was not only an eye-opener, but it had me ask a lot of questions about medicine, and people with mental illness. Within the four days I realized that the pills are more like suppressants. They only help to keep my anxiety from getting out of control. This is not a bad thing, but what about people who feel that they are ready to move on from medication? I also just want to say that I don’t advise anyone to do what I did, because this could be very dangerous.

I had very little withdraws, and more of my anxiety affecting me. I felt this sudden urge to go back to being on my medication. I can say that without my medication it felt as if the world was crashing down on me. Every day I was crying over something. There were good things that happened as well. I was able to get my appetite back, I felt more energetic, and my stomach felt fine.

This is not something that I plan on doing again. It was not a great experience for me at all. If you have tried something like this feel free to leave comments rather they are good or bad. Remember this is your safe space, and we are here to heal together.

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